Metagenomics Analysis
Revolutionize your metagenomics research with our Analysis Service. Submit your data seamlessly, and our experts will apply advanced algorithms to decode it. From taxonomic profiling to functional annotation, gain valuable insights to propel your investigations forward. Simplify your metagenomics research with our efficient service.
Introduction to Metagenomics
Microorganisms are omnipresent, profoundly impacting the biosphere of our planet. From humans to plants, every organism interacts with the microorganisms in its vicinity. However, many microbial populations remain elusive due to our inability to culture them. In 1998, Jo Handelsman coined the term “Metagenomics,” which has the potential to reveal these microbial mysteries. Metagenomics involves cloning and functionally analyzing the collective genomes of soil microflora, providing insights into the microbial world.
Services Offered by Biogrithm
1. Taxonomic Profiling
What it is: We analyze microbial composition, diversity, and abundance using state-of-the-art bioinformatics tools.
Methods: OTU clustering, phylogenetic classification, and calculation of alpha and beta diversity.
Applications: Understanding microbial community structure across habitats or individuals.
2. Functional Annotation
What it is: We decipher the functional potential of microbial communities.
Approach: Mapping metagenomic data to bacterial and fungal genome databases.
Metrics: Abundance-based coverage estimator (ACE), Chao1, Shannon, and Simpson indices.
3. Real-Life Cases
Rhizosphere Studies: Investigating microbial interactions in the rhizosphere of crops like rice, wheat, legumes, chickpea, and sorghum. These studies enhance crop health and development.
Ecological Impact: Linking microbiota to diseases and ecological changes.
Metagenomics opens doors to understanding the hidden microbial world. At Biogrithm, we simplify metagenomic analysis, providing valuable insights for scientific advancements. Explore with us as we decode the language of microbes